Quick Links
Dean’s List provides a weekly update on your scholar’s attendance and behavior. Families can log in using their students’ credentials. Please contact your homeroom teacher for login info.
Illuminate is our grade book system that gives more detailed information about assignments and grades. Families can log in using their students’ credentials. Click “Sign in with Google” and use your scholar’s credentials. Please contact your homeroom teacher for login info.
Visiting School
Click the link below if you are a parent/guardian and would like to schedule a visit to NCCS during school hours for lunch, birthday celebration, classroom shadowing, etc.
If you are a prospective family looking to tour please click the link below.
We encourage families to visit campus. In order to preserve our urgent learning environment, we require all visitors to be engaged in lesson observations, lunch visits, or volunteer tasks. Visitors should communicate their visits to their scholar’s teacher at least 24 hours in advance. Visitors are not permitted to remain at school without a scheduled appointment, purpose, or permission.
To ensure that we make the best use of parent time and efforts – and that we limit disruption to our instructional program – we ask all visitors to schedule your visit in advance.
Visitors to our campus must refrain from talking to, engaging with or disciplining scholars – including your own – in classrooms. We strive for 100% scholar and staff engagement in learning and ask that you respect our efforts by disrupting our natural school day as little as possible.