Young girl hangs upside down on a playground bar and smiles
Young girl hangs upside down on a playground barand smiles

Start to Finish

A typical day at NCCS is everything, but average.

Arrival & Breakfast

A day at Nashville Classical is joyful and rigorous from the very beginning. Scholars arrive at school by car or school bus - we have 18 stops across Davidson County - and are greeted by name by Nashville Classical staff members. All scholars are offered breakfast in their classroom. Scholars also check in with teachers, read independently, or work on independent work during this time. The warm and focused mood sets the tone for a productive day.

Morning meeting

At Nashville Classical, all classrooms are named after colleges. This is because we believe that all scholars should believe that they are on the path to college starting in Kindergarten. Scholars are very loyal to their class colleges and Morning Meeting is a time for that college pride to shine! Scholars sing their college chants and lead their class in cheers to begin the day with energy and excitement for learning. Scholars also learn and practice real-world skills by greeting their classmates and setting goals for the day.

Science & Social Studies

During this block, scholars learn about exciting science and social studies topics by reading or listening to rigorous non-fiction texts and primary sources. Scholars celebrate the end of each unit with a project, experiment, field trip, or guest speaker.


We use the knowledge scholars gained in Science & Social Studies to explicitly teach and practice writing skills. For example, during the Ancient Rome unit of Social Studies, scholars may simultaneously write a narrative about what would happen if they one day woke up as an Emperor’s child. Teachers instruct whole-group, but provide small-group and individual feedback that ensures all scholars’ writing improves each day.


Scholars take a break to eat a healthy snack, use the restroom, and stretch before their next class begins.

3-8 Grade Great Books

Scholars read classic, diverse, and exciting books like Charlotte’s Web, the Watsons Go to Birmingham, Esperanza Rising, and Lord of the Flies during this block. Scholars read texts together as a class, independently, and listen to read alouds. Scholars also write in response to what they’ve read and engage in rich discussions about the characters and themes of the book. Think of it as an Advanced Placement Literacy course - only more fun!

K-2 Grade Small Group Literacy

In grades K-2, every scholar participates in two small-group literacy lessons based on their reading level. Books are selected for each scholar’s instructional level and lessons are designed to improve reading skills quickly. Scholars practice word-solving and comprehension skills with direct feedback from their teacher.

Lunch and Recess

Scholars eat and socialize with scholars in their grade during lunch. After lunch, scholars may run to our open play-ground or play a game of pick-up touch football on our field.


During Math, scholars learn mathematical concepts through problem solving and discussion. Then, they have ample opportunities to practice what they learn. While a teacher pulls small groups for math intervention, remediation, or enrichment, other scholars may practice independently in a work packet or on a computer-based review program like Khan Academy.

Story Problems and Fast Facts

Each day scholars are presented with a new real-world math story problem. Scholars are given a chance to “represent” the problem visually with cubes, a drawing, or an equation. After comparing with a partner and a whole class discussion about their representations, scholars solve the problem and share their work as a class. After Story Problem, scholars practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts in a fast-paced and lively review.


Our Specials classes are truly unlike those that you’ll find elsewhere. Scholars participate in Physical Education, Spanish, Art, Theater, and Music classes from Kindergarten-8th grade.

Closing Circle

The day ends with a closing circle where scholars reflect on what they have learned, prepare for the next day, and reinforce our FIRST Habits. You may hear scholars in Kindergarten praising a classmate for showing “teamwork” by sharing supplies or a 7th grader praising a classmate for showing “resilience” by solving a complex problem.


At 3:15pm, scholars head home for the evening, but the learning doesn’t end there! Scholars complete “Lifework” (homework) and are expected to read independently or with an adult for at least 20 minutes each night.


Scholars can participate in free, optional after school Enrichment. Scholars may choose a weekly club like Chess, Jazz Band or Science Club, or audition for a performance group like Theater. We also have a middle school Basketball Team, Soccer Team, and Cheerleading Squad.

Students sit on a brightly colored floor looking up at a teacher sitting in front of them clapping

Our Staff

“Keep company with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.”

meet the team
Two students are on the playground looking at the camera from the t op

Ready to Enroll?

Come join us to have fun, work hard, and make history!

let’s go